Sunday, September 23, 2007

Week 9 (already!)

This week started off with me dreading our cooking test on Friday. When I got to school on Monday morning the chef said he thought we should get the test over and should have it Monday instead. Pop Test Time!! The whole class freaked out and at the end I got a 9/10 on my beef stew.

Tuesday was business as usual, making food for lunch for the school. Then Wednesday another Pop Test on Steak with bĂ©arnaise sauce, mine was super good and chef gave me a 9.25. Yay Abby. Thursday was fun because it was the day we were supposed to have our final, so we drew which protein we would have as a group, to divide up the proteins, and we were allowed to make whatever we wanted. Lisa and I made lentil soup with ham hocks, our protein, and Sham and Andrew made like 9 Indian dishes. Sham is from India and is the kid who really tests my patience. He was in my group the first week, and again somewhere in the middle. I end up in his group a lot, I think because God likes to see how I’ll react, and then giggles at me when I lose my cool. Any way we have been with the same groups for this entire 3 week class and I’m glad it’s over. The soup I made was good, it got a little chilly here this week 50-60 and drizzly, so it was a soup day. The Indian food that the boys made was yummy too, all 9 different kinds of it.

Friday was vegetarian day, and our chef, chef mike, was gone so we had the afternoon class’s chef, Chef Amir, who was amazing. He talked to us a little about vegetarian cooking as a niche market, for example his friend who got really into vegetarian food and is now Sting’s personal chef. Too Cool! He was fascinating, so it was fun to have someone else who was a little clearer about what we were supposed to do. For my vegetarian food, which I have a wee bit of experience in, I made vegetarian chili and Grandma Jackie’s monkey bread, which I stuffed each ball of dough with caramelized onions and Parmesan before I baked them. It was pretty amazing.

Before he left, Chef Mike, my chef for the last few weeks, asked if I would help him figure out the curve for the written final exam. When I was helping him he said that in his 20 years at the CIA 1 in every 400 students or so catches his eye. He said that I had “it”, and that he expected nothing less than amazing things from me at school and in the future. That made me feel great! It’s nice to be noticed for trying hard and being a good person, and dare I say a good cook? How nice!

Another week done with school. My next class is wines, which starts at 2!! So I get to go in late, and sleep in!!!! David is working closing shifts as well so I will get to hang out with him in the morning. How fun. This week was a good week, it was nice to not have the tests looming all week long, we got them out of the way and then could really relax and be creative.

I hope everyone is doing well
Lots of love


Ann said...

Wow, Abby, that's great! I'm sure you'll go far. :)

Barbara said...

I hate to be repetitive, Abby, but WOW! (There, I used all caps and an exclamation mark--similar to Ann's but not the same) All the food you make sounds so yummy. I'm still trying to figure out how to stand in the hall with my fork. And I so want some of those onion and cheese stuffed bun thingies. Mmm, makes my mouth water just thinking about them. What a lovely, ego-boosting compliment from your chef! I'm so glad David found someone to love who will be able to support him.;-o

Love, Barbara

Peanut said...

Ah yes I recall the days of your vegetarian adventures. I must say that they were a trial but I am glad they gave you a leg up on this mission. Also, 1 in 400? A-ma-zing!