Sunday, September 30, 2007

Week 10 - wines class

This week we had afternoon classes, which I think upset my chi somehow, and I came down with a cold on Wednesday. We had wines class, combined with the PM class, so our class was held from 2-8:30. I worked a few mornings and then went to school, which seemed like longer days than going to school and then working until 8:30 which I usually do a few days a week.

My class was fun, a good refresher from the last few wines classes I had at Stout. We tasted wines and went to a few wineries to watch the crushing process. Watching the grapes being crushed and tasting the juice at all stages was really interesting. The class was mostly lecture for 6 hours a day so it was a little boring, but the information was good, and I was hearing it all for the third time.

Besides class my friends from cooking school and I went out for Chinese on Wednesday night. David was able to join us, which was fun. Yesterday I felt my cold lifting, so I made lasagna and my friend Victoria from school came over for dinner. It was fun to have her over, but I think I had a little too much excitement and Sunday (today) I’m feeling yucky again. I’m taking it easy and lounging in my Pj’s and drinking lots and lots of fluids. I’m planning a full recovery for tomorrow for class with Chef Tucker Bunch again!! I can't believe I'm 1/3 done with school.

I hope everyone had a great week, in Wisconsin/Minnesota, in Europe on a fabulous cruise, or celebrating your 28th Birthday with a Packer Win! (Wade!!!).

Lots of love to all,


Ann said...

Feel better soon!
Love from Kentucky,

Peanut said...

I can't feel my fingers!

Barbara said...

I'm not surprised you're a little under the weater. First you have a beer weekend then your classes are all about drinking wine? Abby, are you sure it's a cold and not not just a really big hangover???

Abby&David said...

Barbara - Yes I'm sure it isn't a big hangover ...though the symptoms are frighteningly similar...hhrrrmm.

Ann- Thanks for the good thoughts, I'm feeling much better this week.

and Leigh- You would have loved both the pub crawl and the wines class..:)

Miss you all tons :)