Friday, December 12, 2008

Our First Tree

Sorry for the lack of recent posting on our blog, everybody. We’ve been in full Christmas sweatshop mode trying to get all the gifts together and in the mail. We’re finally done and everything is going out today. Anyway, on to our first tree—well, our first tree as a married couple.

Here in Western Montana, you can buy a $5 permit from the forest service and cut your own tree from the national forest. So last Friday, we grabbed a saw and some rope and ventured out into the forest.

Here’s Abby standing next to the tree we chose and then me cutting it down.

The tree is home and decorated, and I promise that we’ll include a photo of it all decorated in our next post.

Also last Friday was the Big Sky Brewing Company Christmas party. It’s a costume party and this year’s theme was super heroes. Abby and I decided to go as the Jolly Green Giant and Sprout. A few sweat suits, some green RIT dye, and lots of green felt later…

I have to admit that it felt a little weird walking from the car to the party downtown on December 5th, but we fit right in once we got there.

We hope everyone is having a good holiday season so far.
Abby and David

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Excellent tree! I can't wait to see it decorated in your house.

Love the costumes. Very clever being "veggie" superheroes.